Riverside Primary Academy | Apply For Reception

Apply for a Reception Place


To apply for your child’s Reception school place at Riverside Primary Academy you will need to follow Gateshead Council’s procedures for admission.


The Local Authority manage the academy’s admissions for our school. All parts of the admission procedure, including applications and appeals are managed by them. Please see their website for further information.


You can access Gateshead Council’s  primary school admissions information by clicking on the link below.


Primary School Admissions


Welcome to Reception


Your child will soon begin school life in our Reception Class.  We hope their time with us will be happy and successful.


Click Here to download our Reception Ready leaflet


This information is intended to tell you a little about your child’s first year at school and hopefully answer some of your questions. We operate an open door policy at school, so please feel free to drop in if you have any queries and ask any of the Foundation Stage Team.  In our Reception Class we believe that the best possible start will come from parents and teachers working together to provide a quality early education for your child.


We look forward to working together with you.








It is important that your child comes to school every day on time unless they are poorly.  Please telephone school if your child is unwell before 9.30 a.m. on the first day of absence and send a note with your child on the day of their return to school.  Unauthorised absences are investigated on a regular basis.


Beginning School


We all want the best for our children and by working together we can ensure that your child benefits most from school.


Beginning school is a big step for many children.  Some may be uncertain and lacking in confidence, for others this may be the first time that the child has been away from his or her parents.  As the children will be in small groups this enables both child and teacher to get to know each other and helps the teacher build up the confidence of each child.


Children of this age need 12 hours sleep every day to function well in a busy, non-stop reception class.  If they sleep badly one night, please try to help them have more sleep the next night.  Grumpy, tired children do not learn at all well.


Healthy Living


The school provides well-balanced, healthy meals daily.   Morning and afternoon snacks usually consist of fruit or vegetables with milk or water.  If your child prefers a packed lunch, please note that no fizzy drinks are allowed and healthy food choices (with limited salt and sugar) are expected.




Children learn through activity, which frequently involves getting messy.  Our school uniform is comfortable, easily washed and manageable.  Please ensure that all clothing is clearly named as this helps to avoid mix ups when children are independently dressing and undressing themselves during P.E. Velcro fastening shoes does avoid embarrassment and difficulty for your child.


Outdoor playtimes require a warm coat in winter and a spare pair of shoes if wellington boots are worn to school.


Our curriculum involves accessing the outdoors in all weathers so please send your child with suitable clothes and footwear.


Going to the toilet completely on your own away from home is often left to the last minute therefore clothes should be easily removed, elasticised waistbands are ideal.  It would be useful if children had a spare set of clothes in a bag on their peg in case of accidents.


School Uniform


Our school uniform is an emerald green polo shirt, a bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan with black or grey trousers or skirt. Sensible school shoes must be worn. It would help your child if they had a black reading bag to carry books and homework between home and school.




For P.E. children will need a pair of school black shorts, a t-shirt in your child’s house colour and a pair of plimsolls. Trainers are also required for outdoor sport. All kit should be kept together in a named P.E. bag, which is kept on the child’s coat peg.




For safety reasons children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school at all.


School hours


Morning session: 8.55 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Afternoon session: 1.15 p.m. – 3.20 p.m.


If you wish to enter school between these times you must use the main entrance as the other gates are only open at the beginning and end of the school day. Please enter school by ringing the bell at the school office and we will attend to you as soon as possible. This procedure is to ensure that we maximise the children’s safety.  Any unexpected visitors will be challenged.


If you change your address or telephone number please request a form for completion to update our records. And inform your child’s class teacher.


Lunch Time


With effect from September 2014, the government will provide a school meal for all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. The option for your child to bring a packed lunch is still available.


How can you help prepare your child for school?


This is a question we are often asked by parents.  Preparing your child for school also means preparing your child for life and the attitudes and standards learnt from you will influence your child for the rest of their life.  Children need to know what standards are expected of them; e.g. good manners – knowing when to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.   Skills established early in life will always be remembered.  Some suggestions might be… when your child asks for something; you model what to say e.g. bring me your bag please.




Children need to be able to put on their coat and shoes and dress themselves.  With a little encouragement children can soon learn to dress and fasten buttons etc.  They also feel a great sense of achievement if they can dress and undress for P.E. without assistance and cope with their outdoor clothing.




Do make sure that your child can use the toilet on her/his own and use toilet paper.  Children can become distressed if they have always been used to their parents or carers accompanying them.  Also make sure that your child is trained to wash her/his hands after visiting the toilet.  Good hygiene is important to everyone.


Many children come to school unable to use a handkerchief properly; this can be upsetting for a small child if others make a comment about a messy nose.


Wrap Around Child Care Provision


In addition to set school hours, Riverside Primary Academy offers a wrap around child care provision for a small fee. For more information visit our Wrap Around Care Provision page