Riverside Primary Academy | Improving Communication with Parents/Carers

Improving Communication with Parents/Carers

07 Apr Improving Communication with Parents/Carers

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our links with you and keep everyone up-to-date and well informed. As sending written information home is sometimes unreliable; we have decided to utilise the email function of our existing Primary Contact software, an electronic school communication system. This will enable you to receive all your information from school quickly and reliably. We can send letters by email to your inbox and short messages directly to your mobile phone as a text message.

You will:

  • Receive letters more reliably and promptly
  • See letters in your inbox like any other email
  • Get a short text message if we need to contact you urgently
  • Still get paper letters if you don’t have email
  • Not need to rely on your child for delivery


We can:

  • Send more letters and information
  • Save money on admin time, printing and paper
  • Contact you urgently when necessary


The school will use the email address and mobile number that we hold for the Priority one contact(s). If you are not certain that we have your correct details, please inform the school either by email using the contact form below or by contacting the school office on 0191 460 1918.


FAQ for Parents

How will the emails get to me and what will they look like? 

The emails will arrive in your inbox at your email address just like any other email and will have the name of our school in the ‘From’ box

Will I get any advertising or SPAM?

No, the contact details are not shared with anyone except the administrator in our school. You will only receive messages from Primary Contact that have been sent by us

What if I change my email address or mobile phone number? 

We use your details from our database Please contact the school office directly to inform us of any changes to your contact details

Can I reply to emails or texts? 

For emails, click on the ’Reply’ button and send your message. Alternatively your email from school may give a specific address to reply to in the body of the message.

The reply function for text messages is switched off.

Will I get a message for each of my children?

If the message is identical, then duplicates will be removed and you will only get one copy to any one email address or phone number. If the message is personalised, and contains the name of your child, you will get one for each of your children concerned

I don’t want to get electronic communications

Contact the school and ask them to flag your name as opted out. Then you will only receive paper messages


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