Riverside Primary Academy | Children’s Parliament at COP26

Children’s Parliament at COP26

12 Nov Children’s Parliament at COP26

During the COP26 summit, one of our Year 6 students, Erin, was chosen to represent our school at the Children’s Parliament as part of the COP26 summit in Glasgow. She took part in the debate and was chosen to ask a question to the parliament.

COP26 Screenshot of children's parliament

The parliament session was streamed live on YouTube and can be watched again here.  Erin’s question and concerns were also published in the Express. Not only that, this Children’s Parliament included 280 children and has been confirmed as a Guinness World Record for the largest ever children’s parliament.  This has been such a fantastic thing for one of our students to take such a big part in and we are so proud of Erin for taking part.

Erin said about her experience:

“I felt honoured to be chosen to represent the school and local area in this debate. I was very nervous especially as they asked me to ask a question on the call, which I hadn’t planned on doing. I was only planning to type in the chat as I knew I’d feel self conscious about speaking live. However, on the day, it all went smoothly and I got to ask my question about deforestation to the speaker and the other child MPs. It’s something I feel strongly about so I’m glad this question will be part of the COP26 conversations. Since the call happened we have found out that there were over 280 children taking part on the call so we are all part of a Guinness World Record. I am so pleased that I took part and agreed to ask a question as I realise that not many people had the opportunity and feel proud of myself for doing it. I would say to anyone else who has this opportunity in the future to definitely go for it as it was really good fun.”

Well Done Erin!

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