Riverside Primary Academy | Anglo-Saxon Fun at Jarrow Hall

Anglo-Saxon Fun at Jarrow Hall

12 Jun Anglo-Saxon Fun at Jarrow Hall

Year 3 and 4 had a wonderful time at Jarrow Hall today learning about life during the Anglo-Saxon times.  We enjoyed a fantastic workshop about Crime and Punishment.  We looked at artefacts and handled swords, spears and shields.  Then we re-enacted a battle with these.  We also visited the farm which is a reconstructed Anglo-Saxon Village.  We learnt about the purpose of all the animals and visited them in their pens.  Our brilliant guide for the day, then told us the famous Beowulf story by a real fire in the village hut.  Staff and children had a wonderful day and learnt so many new things! Many of the children are hoping their families will visit Jarrow Hall in the future where can they share their expertise and be their own little tour guides!


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