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Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day

December 10, 2021

On Friday 10th December 2021 our cook and the kitchen staff will prepare a traditional Christmas lunch for all children and staff in school.

The children can also choose to wear a Christmas jumper on this day to get into the festive spirit.

In addition, there once again be a prize plate competition where one lucky pupil will win a £5 Amazon voucher. On day of the Christmas lunch, one school dinner tray will be randomly assigned a “Lucky Star”. If your child’s tray has this star, they will win the voucher kindly donated by our catering suppliers Dolce.

For parents who have a School Grid pre-order account, we would encourage you to log into your account and pre-book your child’s meal as soon as possible as this will be a big help to the kitchen. If you do not have a School Grid account and would like one, please give your email address to the school office to have your account activated.

For families that pay for school meals, the cost of the Christmas Lunch is £2.30 and payment is expected in advance as normal.


December 10, 2021