Riverside Primary Academy | Latest News

Latest News

Well-being Wednesdays

Well-being Wednesdays We are so proud of all the children for their amazing attitude towards their home-learning so far. They have been absolutely brilliant! However, we are aware all of this work is meaning the children are having to spend a lot of time in front...

Year 3 Stone Age Topic

For the Stone Age topic, Year 3 have read ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’ in their English lessons and made these cute woolly mammoths of their own! Don’t they look brilliant?! ...

Year 4B talk friendship and anti-bullying…

Last week, we talked about how to be a good friend and what bullying is. We talked about being a good friend and these are some of the qualities we decided were needed: loyalty, trustworthy, being respectful, honesty, having manners, kindness, being helpful and being able...


So, tomorrow is the Ultimate Feel Good Friday! (13th November). The children can turn up in fancy- dress, sports kits anything non-uniform and donate £1/ a donation of your choice for Children in Need which is to be put in their class donation pot provided...

Dogs Around School

A polite reminder that dogs are not permitted within the school grounds at any time, including dogs which are carried. The only exception to this rule is for guide dogs. Please also be considerate to others by keeping dogs away from school gates at drop off...

Free School Meals Vouchers

It is possible that the government may once again offer shopping/food vouchers for the upcoming school holidays, or in the event of another school closure. To receive these you need to be registered as entitled to means tested Free School Meals. If your child is in...

October Newsletter 2020

Message from Mrs Goodfellow & Our Governors Welcome back to the strangest version of the Autumn Term I have ever known. Can I say a big thank you to all of you for your patience, because I know arrangements are not ideal, but I am thankful...

Letter For Parents About COVID-19 Symptoms

Public Health England have produced a letter for schools to distribute to parents which explains when a person requires a coronavirus test and what the symptoms of coronavirus are. We have been asked to share and circulate this letter to our families. The intention of the...