Riverside Primary Academy | Latest News

Latest News

We’re Hiring!

  The Governing Body wish to appoint a Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant to supervise our pupils over the midday break period. We require a committed and dedicated person to join our staff to start at the earliest opportunity. If this interests you, or you know anyone that may...

Riverside Gets A New Roof

By now, most of you will have noticed scaffolding has been put up around a large part of our school site. Following a successful government grant application, we are now in the process of having the entire roof of our original school building replaced. How exciting! The...

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 – Friday 5th February

Today, #expressyourself through your clothes. #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek You may choose to wear something of your favourite colour or something that expresses how you are feeling. Other links to support Mental Health Gardening indoors and outdoors. There are some brilliant ideas here for those with or without a garden space. [mp_button...

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 – Thursday 4th February

Today, #expressyourself by thinking about your STAR QUALITIES. Thinking about what makes you shine, helps to make you feel happy! Your star quality could be one of the following: strong, hard-working, a good listener, loyal, generous, honest, thoughtful, funny, positive, friendly, respectful, patient, loving, kind, responsible,...

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 – Wednesday 3rd February

Today, why not #expressyourself through music? #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek It is our afternoon away from screens, so listen to some different types of music and think about how they make you feel. Which music makes you feel happy, upbeat or energetic? Which music makes you feel sad? Which...

Children’s Mental Health Week – Tuesday 2nd February

Today, you could #expressyourself with the squiggle game. Click the button to watch a short clip. We are looking forward to seeing what you could turn your squiggles into! [mp_button icon="fa-video-camera" icon_position="left" text="Clip to explain the squiggle game!" link="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozKW1M97JXE&feature=youtu.be" btn_bg="show" color="#7129b5" hover_color="#df24e5" text_color="#000000" open_type="_blank" lightbox_width="500" lightbox_height="500"]   Don't...

Draw your feelings #expressyourself

Some of the teachers have been getting involved with #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek. Here are some 'draw your feelings' examples. Don't forget to share yours! Either post to Facebook, send via messenger or email to info@riversideprimaryacademy.org.uk ...

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 – Monday 1st February

Today, why not ‘draw your feelings’ to Express Yourself? #expressyourself #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek. Click on the button below to watch a short YouTube video clip which will explain how you might draw your feelings. [mp_button icon="fa-video-camera" icon_position="left" text="Draw your feelings!" link="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STdJ__8ORyE&feature=youtu.be" btn_bg="show" color="#eeee22" hover_color="#f77402" text_color="#000000" open_type="_blank" lightbox_width="500" lightbox_height="500"]   Here are...

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 – Information

Children’s Mental Health Week February 1st to February 7th The theme this year is ‘Express Yourself.’ #expressyourself #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek @Place2Be  (Facebook) Place2BeCharity [mp_button icon="fa-video-camera" icon_position="left" text="CLICK ME - Express Yourself!" link="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfbOkWFTRAw" btn_bg="show" color="#f9a909" hover_color="#eded42" text_color="#000000" open_type="_blank" lightbox_width="500" lightbox_height="500"]   Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through...