Riverside Primary Academy | Latest News

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Christmas Raffle – Please Check Your Tickets

        Some prizes are yet to be claimed from the school office.  Do you have any of the following tickets? Blue 571 - 575 Yellow 791 - 795 Yellow 876 - 880 Yellow 801 - 805 Blue 766 - 770 Blue 766 - 770 Blue 590 - 600 Yellow 896 - 900   Basketball Raffle Prizes White...

Reception go to Thornley Woods

Reception had a great time at Thornley Woods this week! They even had a special visitor who brought chocolate lolly pops and hot chocolate for all of the children! He then had to rush off back to the North pole to get organised for Christmas! Have a look...

Shoe Box Appeal

A huge thank you to all of the children and families who have donated items for the Local Shoe Box Appeal. We would be very grateful for any donations of: Christmas wrapping materials New or good condition small children’s toys Baby wipes Hats, scarfs and...

SCHOOL FUNDING CRISIS – please support our schools

Dear Parents / Carers If you think Government should fund schools sufficiently and fairly, please show your support by adding your name to the petition ‘Increase Funding for Schools’, as well as encouraging family and friends to do so, via the link below: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/232220  You will be asked...

Special Praise for Poppy

A very special announcement was made in Mrs Goodfellow's assembly this morning to praise the efforts of one of our pupils, Poppy from Miss Kinghorn's class. Last weekend, Poppy's younger brother had a fit at the family home, something which has never happened before. Poppy helped...

Christmas Lunch Day – Tuesday 4th December 2018

  On Tuesday 4th December 2018 our cook and the kitchen staff will prepare a traditional Christmas lunch for all children and staff in school. For parents who have a Live Kitchen pre-order account, we would encourage you to log into your account and pre-book your child's...

Remembrance Sunday

Last week our children were encouraged to commemorate Remembrance Sunday over the weekend. Henry from Reception class laid his homemade poppy along with others donated from all over the world in Newcastle to remember those that lost their lives. Well done Henry. Photos courtesy of...

Year 1 visit the Discovery Museum

Today Miss Bradley's Year 1 class visited the Discovery Museum and took part in a fascinating workshop about old and new toys! They looked at a variety of old toys whilst at the museum and discussed in their groups whether the toy was old or...