Riverside Primary Academy | Latest News

Latest News

Wrap-Around Childcare Provision

  After careful consideration, we are pleased to confirm we are now in a position to safely resume our Wrap-Around childcare provisions, with the effect from next Monday 14th September 2020.     From To Cost Breakfast Club 7.30am 9.00am £2.00 Tea Time Club 1st Session    3:30pm 4:30pm £4.00 Tea Time Club 2nd Session 4.30pm 5.30pm £4.00   Advance bookings for both Breakfast...

Coronavirus In Children

We all have a vital role to play in stopping the spread of COVID-19. It’s important that if your child (or anyone in your household) has any coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, they do not attend school and stay at home. You should arrange for them to get...

Online Classes from Lingotots

Information from Lingotots We have been thrust into a new technological world of teaching here at Lingotot and the feedback we have had from our online classes so far has been very positive. With the schools closed and no provisional return date as of yet, all...

Coronavirus Latest

Update Friday 20th March: From Friday 20 March schools, childcare and other educational settings are closed for everyone except Children of Critical Workers Vulnerable children The official government guidance on this is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/closure-of-educational-settings-information-for-parents-and-carers The government has published a list of critical workers: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision Message from our Chair of Governors We...

Riverside Mascots at Dunston UTS

Luckily the bad weather held off on Saturday giving some of our children the opportunity to spend some time at the Dunston UTS match. They were mascots for the players and accompanied them on the pitch for kick-off. Joined by their families in the stands, they...

Lost Property!

Does anyone recognise this bag? It was found outside the school gates office over a week ago and has not been claimed. If it belongs to you, please contact the school office to confirm the contents and get it back. Thank you. ...

Artsmark Gold Award

Our pupils and staff are celebrating after receiving the prestigious Gold Artsmark Award. Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools, accredited by Arts Council England. The award provides a clear framework for teachers to plan, develop and evaluate arts, culture and creativity across the curriculum. There...

Forest Schools Equipment Needed

For Forest Schools equipment, Mrs Judge would like any of the following items donated: Donations of metal coat hangers (the type we get from the dry cleaners only) Also any old nail varnish, or even unwanted nail varnish for pebble art. Any wellies that your...

The Italian Experience

Our school meal provider, Dolce, are planning an Italian Experience theme menu on the Thursday 16th January 2020. The menu has a variety of international themed dishes which we are certain the children and staff will love. If your child does not yet stay for school lunches...