Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage Two

Key Stage Two

Year 5 Forest Schools

The pupils have enjoyed making some fantastic dens with some good teamwork. They have also celebrated Halloween with some team games; shared snacks under the shelter and enjoyed the rain! They have looked at flint and steel to make fire and finished the term by completing...

Year 3 Forest Schools

WOW what a term for Year 3! You are real rock stars, love your music and singing. This term has been packed with activities such as Halloween games; making dinner in the mud kitchen, weaving sticks and being shop keepers to name a few. We have...

Year 4 Forest Schools

You have real enthusiasm for Forest Schools and this can be seen with how you have embraced the Autumn Term. Year Four have been fantastic den builders and good at problem solving with good teamwork and are very caring towards one another. Activities also included Halloween...

Year 3 Stone Age Topic

For the Stone Age topic, Year 3 have read ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’ in their English lessons and made these cute woolly mammoths of their own! Don’t they look brilliant?! ...

Year 4B talk friendship and anti-bullying…

Last week, we talked about how to be a good friend and what bullying is. We talked about being a good friend and these are some of the qualities we decided were needed: loyalty, trustworthy, being respectful, honesty, having manners, kindness, being helpful and being able...


So, tomorrow is the Ultimate Feel Good Friday! (13th November). The children can turn up in fancy- dress, sports kits anything non-uniform and donate £1/ a donation of your choice for Children in Need which is to be put in their class donation pot provided...

Year 6 Gates

It has been noticed that a small minority of children are not keeping themselves safe near the roadside at the field gates each morning. With effect from Monday 21st September, I have made the decision that all Year 6 children will enter school, and be collected,...

Online Classes from Lingotots

Information from Lingotots We have been thrust into a new technological world of teaching here at Lingotot and the feedback we have had from our online classes so far has been very positive. With the schools closed and no provisional return date as of yet, all...

Y6 Aim to Lift the Spirits of the Residents

Due to care homes not being able to accept visits at this difficult time, Year 6 have produced some motivational / positive artwork to send and share with the residents of a local care home in the hope of lifting their spirits. When received, we...