Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage Two

Key Stage Two

Year 4 India Project

Well done to Year 4 for completing their wonderful projects on India. Lots of the work completed at home was amazing so thank you to the many parents who helped their children. This really does help your child to reinforce and enhance what is taught...

NSPCC Number Day!

Today we took part in the NSPCC number day. Children and staff dressed up for digits and enjoyed a variety of fun mathematics activities, while raising money and awareness for the NSPCC. Thank you to everyone who donated. ...

Year 4 pupils encourage others to “Ban Single Use Plastic”

Y4 children have been quite concerned about plastic pollution and the use of single-use plastic in school.  They conducted their own research into how they could help prevent lots of plastic going into our bins and then land-fills and unfortunately sometimes into our oceans. Some of...

Christmas Lunch Day – Friday 10th December 2021

On Friday 10th December 2021 our cook and the kitchen staff will prepare a traditional Christmas lunch for all children and staff in school. The children can also choose to wear a Christmas jumper on this day to get into the festive spirit. In addition, there once...

School Council Deliver Climate Change Message

Eva and Scott are Year 6 members of our School Council. Last week they attended the Governing Body meeting where they delivered their own Powerpoint presentation on Climate Change to all governors. They were amazing! On Wednesday this week, they led assembly and shared their...

Children’s Parliament at COP26

During the COP26 summit, one of our Year 6 students, Erin, was chosen to represent our school at the Children's Parliament as part of the COP26 summit in Glasgow. She took part in the debate and was chosen to ask a question to the parliament. The...

Year 3 visit Segedunum!

Today, Year 3 (Mrs Wall's class) visited Segedunum. This links with the topic 'The Romans'. In the morning, they carried out tasks to show they could be Celts (Ancient Britons). They made bracelets from wool, crushed wheat to make flour, used willow to weave as they...

Year 3 Roman Mosaics

Year 3 have spent the first two weeks back learning about Roman mosaics. They have created their own design and then made their very own mosaic coaster. They used adhesive and grout to finish them off. ...

Year 4B show off their poetic side!

Yesterday, Year 4B blew Mrs Wall away with their amazing skills in poetry. They worked extremely hard in small groups to create verses of a narrative poem based on a short film called 'The Catch'. The verses were then put together and the class performed...