Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage Two

Key Stage Two

Year 5B Poetry

Today is poetry day and the theme was refuge. Year 5b have written their own poem as a class and performed it today. Check out the video below. [embed]https://youtu.be/3YLyywPtMTc?rel=0[/embed]      ...

Year 6 Football Team

Yesterday was the first league game that our recently created football team attended. Although we did not make it to the finals on Monday, the team played extremely well and should be very proud of themselves. The player of the match was the team captain, Riley....

Baking Victoria Sponge Cakes in Year 5

Year 5 have had a brilliant time today baking Victorian sponge cakes as part of their 'Victorians' topic. They followed the recipe excellently well, worked very sensibly as part of a group and best of all, got to taste their Victoria sponge cakes which I can...

Sports Day Results!

The whole school results for the house groups are: Fourth Place: Mars 151 points Third Place: Neptune 157 points Second Place: Jupiter 158 points First Place: Saturn 187 points Well done!...

Year 5’s Trip to Beamish

Both Year 5 classes enjoyed a brilliant trip to Beamish yesterday to learn all about life during the Victorian era. They enjoyed taking part in a lesson in the Victorian school; visiting the coal mine; taking a ride on the steam train; and exploring lots of...

First Aid Training in Year 5

Year 5 have been learning many essential life skills in their First Aid training today. They looked at DRABC (Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation); how to perform CPR; what a defibrillator is, how to use it and where it is located in our school;...

Sunflowers in Years 3 and 4

More of the children have planted a sunflower as part of the school's pledge. Thank you to all for your donations so far. It is much appreciated. ...

Boccia Festival

Today, a group of children went to St Philip's to participate in a boccia (botch-a) festival. They all performed so well and really enjoyed the afternoon. They were a credit to Riverside. Well done! ...

Swimming – Survival Skills

Yesterday in swimming, Year 5 were learning survival skills. Here are some pictures of Year 5a. Both classes were very brave and next time it will be 5b's turn for pictures. ...