Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage Two

Key Stage Two

Y5 Trip – Sunderland Winter Gardens

On Tuesday, year 5 had an excellent day visiting Sunderland Winter Gardens. We spent the morning completing a scavenger hunt in the rainforest for clues. We also had time in the afternoon to explore the museum. The children had a fabulous day!      ...

Year 3 and Year 4 Christmas Party

Year 3 and Year 4 had fantastic festive fun at our class party. Children enjoyed dancing, pass the parcel , musical statues and corners games, finishing off with some yummy party food! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the LKS2 team! ...

Church Visit

This week Lower Key Stage 2 had a lovely afternoon trip to Dunston Methodist Church where we were warmly welcomed by Minister Brigitta with juice and biscuits. Whilst we were there we completed some fun activities which consolidated our work in the classroom. The children...

Eco-Cops Host Assembly

On Friday, our Eco-Cops presented an assembly to the whole school explaining the importance of looking after our world. They discussed ways to be more sustainable at school and what we could do at home too.  We agreed to try and use less electricity, recycle,...

Y5A Space Challenge – Road to RIAT

Yesterday, Year 5 took part in a space challenge called 'Road to RIAT'. In the morning, we created designed, created and tested rockets. During the afternoon we designed our own sustainable aircraft as part of a competition. The children demonstrated excellent teamwork and resilience whilst...

Year 5B – STEM Day

Year 5b class took part in a STEM day with other schools via YouTube Live this week. The children had to design and create a rocket and even had a special shoutout on the live video. Check it out below.   [embed]https://youtube.com/shorts/HSHUX-9cJTw?feature=share?rel=0[/embed] ...

Fun with the Romans!

Year 3 and Year 4 had a special visitor this week, Richard the 'History Bloke'. We explored Roman artefacts, marched like Roman soldiers, wrote our names in Latin with ink and played a three in a row game called Rota. Ask your child to tell...

Harvest Festival 2023

Today Riverside Primary Academy celebrated the Harvest Festival in school. We held an assembly in which children from Years 3 to 6 read out prayers and thanks for the harvest. Every class sang a harvest song beautifully. Thank you very much for all of the donations....

World Mental Health Day !

Today we celebrated World Mental Health Day across the whole school by getting up and active completing 'walk the talk'. The children went out on a short walk with a friend and shared any thoughts and feeling they had. We learnt several strategies to support...

Girls’ Football Team

The girls' team played very well last night. Although we did not win, we tried our very hardest and had lots of fun. Well done to all and thank you to those who came along to support! ...