Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage Two

Key Stage Two

Children In Need – Non-uniform Day

Just a reminder that Friday 17th November is Children in Need day and the children and staff are invited to wear spotty clothes to show their support. A donation of £1 per pupil is suggested. ...

Harvest Festival

Today we celebrated the Harvest Festival at St. Nicholas’ Church in Dunston. The Year 3 children delivered a wonderful assembly which told us all about the importance of harvesting food each year and reminded us about the miracles of life. We would like to thank all...

Halloween Sleepover!! – Thank You!

Mrs Goodfellow  would like to thank all parents and children for making the Halloween Sleepover event a huge success.  We will keep you informed about the purchases made with the monies raised and post pictures so you can see our new equipment being used. We would...

Good Morning! Everyone is wide awake now! Time to brush our teeth! [gallery type="slideshow" ids="18704,18705,18706,18707"]...

Halloween Sleepover – GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!

We Can't Believe It!!!  Some children are still fast asleep!! The pupils have managed to get a good few hours sleep during the night (the majority sleeping from 11:00pm - 7:20am).   Be prepared as there will be some very tired and sleepy children handed back over to...

Halloween Sleepover!!

The children have had a fabulous time tonight.  They are so excited to be sleeping in school!   They have taken part in activities; eaten pizzas, hot dogs and chicken nuggets; watched the first half of our film and are now settled in the school hall.   The lights have been...

Family Fun Making Scarecrows!

Thank you Mrs Sellers for hosting our Scarecrow making event and thank you to all our family members and friends for attending!  You might see some of our Scarecrows around the school building and at Harvest Festival next Tuesday.  They have already visited the year...

New Recruits For The Football Team

The latest round of football games took place on Thursday evening with a couple of new faces joining the Riverside squad this week. The new boys gelled well with their new teammates and showed terrific effort, determination and sportsmanship in each game they played. Thank...

Year 5 Visit Washington Old Hall

Year 5 visited Washington Old Hall to learn about the Tudors and what life was like for them. We learnt that life was very different depending on whether you were rich or poor. ...

Macmillan Coffee Morning 28th and 29th September 2017

          Due to our coffee morning being incredibly popular, we will be hosting TWO Macmillan Coffee Mornings this year. THURSDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER - FOR ALL NURSERY AND RECEPTION PARENTS, CARERS AND CHILDREN FRIDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER - FOR ALL YEAR 1 TO YEAR 6 PARENTS, CARERS AND CHILDREN Please come along...