Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage Two

Key Stage Two

Year 6 and Year 5/6 Visit from ‘That History Bloke’

Year 6 and Year 5/6 enjoyed their visit from ‘That History Bloke’ this morning. The children have learnt lots more about Ancient Egypt and had lots of fun along the way. They looked at who pharaohs were / why they were important, found out about...

Year 5/6 and Year 6 Trip – Buddhist Centre

Year 6 had an excellent day yesterday visiting a Buddhist Centre in Newcastle. They learnt lots more about the religion and had lots of interesting questions to ask. The children particularly enjoyed experiencing meditation. Well done for your excellent behaviour on your trip Year 6! ...

Rainy River Walk

Year 6 went on a river walk last Friday. This half term, our topic is Outdoor Adventures and we have been learning about rivers. On our river walk, we looked at the tributary to the River Tyne. The children took their own photos of the...

A Fun-Filled Weekend for Year 6

Year 6 have had a fabulous weekend. They've taken part in lots of exciting activities and managed to push themselves out of their comfort zones, achieving things that they maybe thought they couldn't. A huge well done! I'm sure they will sleep well tonight. Also, a...

Year 6 Enjoy their Visit to Riverside Delight

A huge thank you to Riverside Delight for accommodating Year 6 today. We had a wonderful time and all enjoyed a yummy ice cream! Year 6 are also extremely appreciative of their surprise goody bag. We all left as very happy customers. ...

Year 6 Enjoy Spending their Profit Money on Pizza!

Year 6 enjoyed spending their profit from their ice pop sales on pizza, pop and cookies this afternoon. They’re off to Riverside Delights on Friday for another treat with their profit money. At the beginning of Summer, they were given the task of setting up their...

Sports Day 2019 – New Date

Following last week’s washout, we have rearranged Sports Day for Monday 15th July (weather permitting!) Early Years and Key Stage 1 events will begin around 9.30am. Key Stage 2 events will begin around 1.30pm. Parent/carers and families will be able to enter the school premises 15 minutes before...

Year 5 Get Creative During Transition Day

Year 5 have enjoyed tackling the 'newspaper shoe challenge' this afternoon, of which they took extremely seriously! The children had to work in groups to create a newspaper shoe using only newspaper, sellotape, scissors and a pen. They were then judged on the shoe's quality,...