Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage One

Key Stage One

Family Fun Making Scarecrows!

Thank you Mrs Sellers for hosting our Scarecrow making event and thank you to all our family members and friends for attending!  You might see some of our Scarecrows around the school building and at Harvest Festival next Tuesday.  They have already visited the year...

Macmillan Coffee Morning 28th and 29th September 2017

          Due to our coffee morning being incredibly popular, we will be hosting TWO Macmillan Coffee Mornings this year. THURSDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER - FOR ALL NURSERY AND RECEPTION PARENTS, CARERS AND CHILDREN FRIDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER - FOR ALL YEAR 1 TO YEAR 6 PARENTS, CARERS AND CHILDREN Please come along...

Y2 Trip to Saltwell Park

On Wednesday it was the turn of Miss Heron & Mrs Ritchie's Year 2 class to visit Saltwell Park as part of our Autumn term topic. The children were so excited to travel to the park by coach and were eager to explore once they arrived. We...

Y1 Trip to Saltwell Park

Miss Bradley's class visited Saltwell Park earlier this week as part of our topic for this term. We explored the whole of the park, including the maze , play area, pets corner and the lake. We even had out lunch beneath the bandstand.   ...

Y1/2 Trip to Saltwell Park

Mrs Sellers' class visited Saltwell Park yesterday. The children had great fun collecting leaves as evidence of signs of Autumn and investigating pushes and pulls in the sandpit and play area. We also used maps to navigate our way around the park and managed to successfully...

Reminder! Last Day of Term – Tuesday 25th July 2017

We have had a number of questions from parents/carers confused about the last day of term. You are reminded that the school closes for the Summer Holidays at 3.20pm on Tuesday 25th July 2017. All children are expected to attend as normal. Any requests for absence must be made...

Fire Service Community Open Day

Our local Fire Station at Swalwell will be hosting a Community Open day  - we hope lots of our pupils will be able to attend.   Click on the link below for contact information and directions. Direction Swalwell...

Proud Of Our Pupils From The Past

A huge congratulations to Paul and Steven Dixon our ex-Riverside pupils, who are currently representing Great Britain in Sports Acrobatics FIG Wold Cup Geneva 2017. Staff and pupils wish you and your teammates the very best of luck in your competition. Well Done Boys! We are...

More Pictures Of Harry The Spider

[gallery type="slideshow" size="full" ids="17369,17360,17361,17362,17363,17364,17365,17366,17367,17368"] Thank you to all our parents and carers who took part in the magical events last week.  We hope you had fun! Send us a comment if you would like to see more photographs....