Riverside Primary Academy | Key Stage One

Key Stage One

School Will Be Open Tomorrow – Monday 5th March

School will be open as usual tomorrow (Monday 5th March 2018).  Please can all pupils and staff wrap up warm as the temperatures are still low.  Pupils are encouraged to bring spare socks to school to ensure they have warm dry feet all day.  ...


Due to the poor weather conditions and weather warnings still in place, the school will remain closed on Friday 2nd March 2018.   There will be an update on Sunday afternoon to inform you about plans for Monday.   We will use our text messaging...

Chick Update

[gallery type="slideshow" size="large" ids="20241,20238,20233,20243,20239,20244,20242,20240"] Yes - we are very lucky to have hatched all 10 chicks. We have 5 girls and 5 boys, the lighter yellow chicks are boys and the darker brown chicks are girls.   They are a little bit noisy and have been...

Our Chicks Have Hatched!

  Some of our year 1 and year 2 children may be wondering what has happened to the eggs which were left in the incubator on Tuesday night...


Our Chair of Governors and Headteacher have made the decision to keep the school closed tomorrow (Thursday 1st March 2018).  Our text messaging service, school website and social media will be updated to keep you all informed. We will review the weather and the safety of...


Due to the adverse weather conditions, Mrs Goodfellow has made the decision to close the school until further notice (this includes breakfast club and tea time club).  Please look out for our text messaging service and messages posted on our website and facebook to keep...

Y1/2 Say Goodbye to Jazz Jingles

Mrs Sellers class had to search high and low this morning to find out what Jazz Jingles had been up to on our last day. The children eventually found him in the courtyard having a tea party with his friends on the story time chair!  ...

KS1 Christmas Party

What fun we all had at out Christmas party playing lots of games, having a dance and enjoying lots of yummy food.  We were also very lucky to get a special visitor stop by!   ...

Little Angel Gets Her Wings

A huge well done to all of the children and staff in KS1 who produced a superb performance of Little Angel Gets Her Wings for parents and families this week.                       ...

Carol Singing in School

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who attended our KS1 Carol Singing on Friday afternoon.   We are looking forward to welcoming all the KS2 families this afternoon for another sing along....