Riverside Primary Academy | Early Years Foundation

Early Years Foundation

Meet The Staff – Early Years Team

Hello, We are so excited to be your class teachers in September! We can't wait to meet you and see your smiling face. We hope you have an amazing, fun and relaxing Summer and are ready to begin our learning journey in September! Over the Summer, please make sure...

Online Classes from Lingotots

Information from Lingotots We have been thrust into a new technological world of teaching here at Lingotot and the feedback we have had from our online classes so far has been very positive. With the schools closed and no provisional return date as of yet, all...

World Book Day in Early Years

Early Years children enjoyed getting dressed up and taking part in World Book Day activities today. They enjoyed reading lots of lovely stories and swapping books with their friends.   ...

All You Knead Is Love

Reception class took part in a well-being week last week and as part of this, we decided to bake some delicious bread. Everyone worked together to add the ingredients and kneed the dough. We then put our bread in the oven to bake. The children...

As part of well-being week, our Reception children created some wonderful pictures to post home to their parent/carers. The children were so excited to go outside of school to the post box. ...

EYFS Christmas Production Tickets

Our EYFS Christmas production of ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’ will be taking place on Thursday 12th December 2019. There will be two performances, each beginning at 9.30am & 1.30pm. To allow us to adhere to Fire Safety regulations, tickets are limited to two per child and will be...

Reception Class Stay & Play

Reception children welcomed some very special visitors in to the classroom this week, as some parent/carers joined us for our Stay & Play session. Thank you to all of the parent/carers who came along.      ...

Reception Trip to South Shields

Despite the rain, Reception class had a wonderful day out at South Shields beach last week. They had great fun splashing in the water and making pictures in the sand ...