Riverside Primary Academy | Early Years Foundation

Early Years Foundation

Proud Of Our Pupils From The Past

A huge congratulations to Paul and Steven Dixon our ex-Riverside pupils, who are currently representing Great Britain in Sports Acrobatics FIG Wold Cup Geneva 2017. Staff and pupils wish you and your teammates the very best of luck in your competition. Well Done Boys! We are...

More Pictures Of Harry The Spider

[gallery type="slideshow" size="full" ids="17369,17360,17361,17362,17363,17364,17365,17366,17367,17368"] Thank you to all our parents and carers who took part in the magical events last week.  We hope you had fun! Send us a comment if you would like to see more photographs....

RED NOSE DAY – Friday 24th March

Red Noses Go On Sale - Monday 20th March. Help us to support Comic Relief.                                            Noses cost £1 each....

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Come and Join the Fun

Calling All Budding Artists, Writers and Magicians All Riverside Primary Academy pupils from nursery to year 6 are taking part in a Magical Writing Project.  Some writing will be published in an anthology of work alongside pieces of writing from other schools and the local community. We...

Does your child have asthma?

Does your child suffer from asthma? Do they have a in-date reliever inhaler and spacer with them at school? If you've answered yes to either of these questions, we must have a completed School Asthma Card for our records. This allows our staff to identify any signs which may indicate your child...

Share, Share, Share…

We have posted many online safety tips, articles and advice on our Facebook page. Please scroll through our Facebook page, have a look and share the advice with other parents and carers in our community.   We would be really interested to see how far and wide...

Sponsored Walk

Wow What a Fantastic Autumn  Day! We couldn't have wished for better weather on the Derwent Walk.  Many children were extremely lucky to see lots of wildlife including deer, squirrels and red kites. All of our children made a tremendous effort and we are incredibly proud of each and every one...

Online Safety Week – 31st October 2016 – 4th November 2016

The pupils at Riverside Primary Academy are learning how to stay safe online this week. Year 5 have been learning about Digital Footprints this afternoon and Year 3 have been finding out about different types of Cyber Bullying. If your children are in Key Stage One, ask...

A Visit From Santa

Santa has confirmed that he will be attending the Key Stage One and Early Years Christmas parties.  We look forward to seeing him on Wednesday and Thursday....