Riverside Primary Academy | Early Years Foundation

Early Years Foundation

Sports Day 2024

First of all, the staff at Riverside would like to thank all of the family and friends that came to support the children from Reception up to Year 6 today. All of the children have had great fun competing against the house teams in their...

Earth Day 2024

A big thank you from Riverside! We had a great time celebrating Earth Day and raised £62 pound for The Sea Life Trust charity. Thank you for your kind donations. Mrs Ritchie and the Eco-Cops...

Waste Week 2024!

Well done to all the children who brought in used batteries last term.  The batteries collected by each class have been weighed by the Eco- Cops  and the results are finally in! Weighing a huge 11.5 kilograms, a huge well done to Year 4 who collected...

World Book Day!

Today, we celebrated world book day in school and dressed up as our favourite book or story characters, or in comfy clothes, for a day of reading and book related activities! We started the day with an assembly by Mrs Knott to talk about Reading and...

Nursery Picnic!

Thank you so much to all of the parents who attended our picnic! We had a great time! Thank you for all the lovely cards and presents! ...

Sports Day Results!

The whole school results for the house groups are: Fourth Place: Mars 151 points Third Place: Neptune 157 points Second Place: Jupiter 158 points First Place: Saturn 187 points Well done!...

Reception and KS1 Sports Day

Well done to everyone! Thank you to all of the parents, carers, family and friends that came to watch the children participate in many sport activities. It was lovely to see so many people supporting the children. Also a special thank you to the Sport...

Reception Stay and Play!

A big thank you to all parents who joined us for our Stay and Play before the half term! It was lovely to give you the opportunity to join in with your child's activities within their Reception classroom. ...

Nursery Sports Day

Yesterday, the nursery children took part in Sports Day on the morning and/or afternoon. They had lots of fun and also enjoyed parents, carers, family and friends coming into school to watch them. They also had snack time on the field. Thank you very much to...