Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Proposed Class Allocation – Year 2

Dear Parent/Carer. As you may be aware, our school population is growing and we have increasing numbers of younger pupils attending our academy.   Next year there will be approximately 81 pupils in our Key Stage One phase. The academy will be providing smaller class sizes and bigger...

Proposed Class Allocation – Year 1/2

Dear Parent/Carer. As you may be aware, our school population is growing and we have increasing numbers of younger pupils attending our academy.   Next year there will be approximately 81 pupils in our Key Stage One phase. The academy will be providing smaller class sizes and bigger...

Proposed Class Allocation – Year 1

Dear Parent/Carer. As you may be aware, our school population is growing and we have increasing numbers of younger pupils attending our academy.   Next year there will be approximately 81 pupils in our Key Stage One phase. The academy will be providing smaller class sizes and bigger...

Polite Request – Teacher Gifts

  Dear Parents/Carers, With the end of the academic year fast approaching, I am aware that many of our children may be considering buying their teacher a gift. Whilst all the teachers and myself are grateful of the children’s and parents’ kindness, we are mindful that some families...

School Books and Unclaimed Belongings

Good morning. Your child's school workbooks will be available to collect from the Community Room door on the following dates between 9.30am and 12noon; Year Group Collection Date Nursery/ Reception Thursday 9th July Year 1 Friday 10th July Year 2 Monday 13th July Year 3 Tuesday 14th July Year 4 Wednesday 15th July Year 5 Thursday 16th July Year 6 Friday 17th July   In addition, all lockers/pegs and trays have...

Letter from Mrs Goodfellow – Friday 3rd July 2020

  Friday 3rd July, 2020. Dear Parents/Carers, In the last two days, all schools have received some very important documentation and guidance from the government, telling us of the Public Health England advice and Health and Safety expectations for the planned re-opening of schools to all children. Yesterday...

Leavers’ Hoodies 2020

Dear Parents/Carers Leavers’ Hoodies 2020 As the summer holidays approach us, we would usually be making many plans for our current Year 6 children and their final days at Riverside Primary Academy. While we are not able to provide the traditional events to celebrate the children's time at...

Nursery Application – Update

Dear Parent/Carer. I would like to thank you for applying for a nursery place for your child at Riverside Primary Academy and I am delighted to confirm we are able to offer you a place. During these difficult and uncertain times, we wanted to reassure parents/carers that...

Phased Reopening – Photos

We know that some children and parent/carers will be apprehensive about returning to school from next week so we thought it would be good to share some images of what the "new normal" of school will look like. Phased Reopening Photos As you can see, we have...