Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Letter from Mrs Goodfellow – Friday 3rd July 2020

  Friday 3rd July, 2020. Dear Parents/Carers, In the last two days, all schools have received some very important documentation and guidance from the government, telling us of the Public Health England advice and Health and Safety expectations for the planned re-opening of schools to all children. Yesterday...

Leavers’ Hoodies 2020

Dear Parents/Carers Leavers’ Hoodies 2020 As the summer holidays approach us, we would usually be making many plans for our current Year 6 children and their final days at Riverside Primary Academy. While we are not able to provide the traditional events to celebrate the children's time at...

Nursery Application – Update

Dear Parent/Carer. I would like to thank you for applying for a nursery place for your child at Riverside Primary Academy and I am delighted to confirm we are able to offer you a place. During these difficult and uncertain times, we wanted to reassure parents/carers that...

Phased Reopening – Photos

We know that some children and parent/carers will be apprehensive about returning to school from next week so we thought it would be good to share some images of what the "new normal" of school will look like. Phased Reopening Photos As you can see, we have...

Key Worker Emergency Childcare

We have today informed the families of  those children who have requested to return to school as part of the phased re-opening from next week. We will continue to provide emergency childcare (not learning) for children of Key Workers in Years 2, 3, 4 &...

Reception Starters September 2020

I wish to confirm that your child has been allocated a place in reception class at Riverside Primary Academy from September 2020 and we are looking forward to having your child as a member of our school. Under normal circumstances, we would usually welcome you into...

Letter to all parents from Gateshead Council

We have been asked to forward the attached letter to all parent/carers from Caroline O’Neill, the Strategic Director for Children, Adults and Families at Gateshead Council. Please ignore the section relating to the parent survey as we have conducted our own for this. Letter to Parents -...