Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Year 3 Forest Schools

WOW what a term for Year 3! You are real rock stars, love your music and singing. This term has been packed with activities such as Halloween games; making dinner in the mud kitchen, weaving sticks and being shop keepers to name a few. We have...

Year 4 Forest Schools

You have real enthusiasm for Forest Schools and this can be seen with how you have embraced the Autumn Term. Year Four have been fantastic den builders and good at problem solving with good teamwork and are very caring towards one another. Activities also included Halloween...

Year 3 Stone Age Topic

For the Stone Age topic, Year 3 have read ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’ in their English lessons and made these cute woolly mammoths of their own! Don’t they look brilliant?! ...

Kids Eat Free at Asda Cafes

Every day throughout December (except Christmas Day), Asda is letting kids aged 16 or under eat free in any of its 216 cafes (find your nearest). There's no minimum spend so this can be a completely free meal, but children must be accompanied by an adult (the...

Face Masks – A Polite Reminder

Can we remind all parents and carers that when dropping off or picking up their child that a mask or face covering must be worn to keep all children and adults safe. Anyone who is exempt, unfortunately cannot enter the school grounds without a face...

Dogs Around School

A polite reminder that dogs are not permitted within the school grounds at any time, including dogs which are carried. The only exception to this rule is for guide dogs. Please also be considerate to others by keeping dogs away from school gates at drop off...

Free School Meals Vouchers

It is possible that the government may once again offer shopping/food vouchers for the upcoming school holidays, or in the event of another school closure. To receive these you need to be registered as entitled to means tested Free School Meals. If your child is in...

Letter For Parents About COVID-19 Symptoms

Public Health England have produced a letter for schools to distribute to parents which explains when a person requires a coronavirus test and what the symptoms of coronavirus are. We have been asked to share and circulate this letter to our families. The intention of the...