Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Spaces for Robinwood 2017 going fast!

Spaces are filling up fast for our 2017 residential visit to Robinwood in September 2017. Remember the deadline to book a space for your child is getting closer (Current Year 5 Pupils Only). To secure a place for your child, on what is sure to be another...

Toddler Group – A message from Jeanne and Betty

With effect from 22nd December 2016 we will no longer be running the toddler group. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time volunteering at Riverside Primary Academy, but we both feel it is time for us to retire!!!! Thank you to everyone who has joined us and we would...

Year 1/2 class trip makes the news

It was Mrs Sellers class' turn to visit the Discovery Museum yesterday and the children had a fantastic time. Not only did the children get to see lots of different toys from the past and take part in a workshop, but they also had the excitement...

Harvest Festival – A Big Thank You!

The children received a lovely letter from the People's Kitchen today, thanking them for their kind food donations from our Harvest Festival. We would like to say a huge thank you to all families who donated. Your support is very much appreciated. You can see the letter here: People's Kitchen...

Children in Need – Non-uniform Day

In support of ‘Children in Need’ we will be having a non-school uniform day on Friday 18th November 2016. Children can come to school in their own clothes or in pyjamas, dressing gown and slippers for a bit of fun if they wish! Children must still...

Breakfast Club

    We are pleased to announce, with effect from Wednesday 9th November 2016, our Breakfast Club provision will be available from the earlier time of 7.30am each day. The session price remains at £2.00 per day and no booking is necessary. ...

Year 6 River Walk

As part of their topic this term on rivers, our Year 6 class took a short walk out of school last week to take a closer look at the River Tyne. The children searched for signs of pollution in the area and back in class they have been...