Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Sports Day Postponed

Unfortunately our school field has succumbed to the heavy rainfall we have had today and is severely waterlogged. This leaves us with no choice but to postpone Sports Day for Wednesday 5th July. With further rain now forecast for Wednesday and Thursday, we are hoping that the...

Riverside Angels Bid to ‘Keep Dunston Clean’

The "Riverside Angels" on our School Council have been out and about in the community today. They were picking up litter in partnership with Gateshead Council in a bid to keep Dunston clean.   A huge well done to all of the children for arranging this. ...

Special Lunch Menu – Thursday 18th May

On Thursday 18th May Dolce are having a special BBQ style theme day. The menu will be as follows - Cheeseburger in a bun Sausage in a roll Veg sausage in a roll Baguette choice of fillings Corn on Cob Salad Bar Tomato/BBQ Sauce Ice cream & Sprinkles Chocolate fudge cake The cost of  a...

Photographers in School

Our photographers, New Age Studios, will once again be in school to take the children's photos next week. Details in the attached letter. Photographer Letter to Parents - 24th April 2017...

Improving Communication with Parents/Carers

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our links with you and keep everyone up-to-date and well informed. As sending written information home is sometimes unreliable; we have decided to utilise the email function of our existing Primary Contact software, an electronic school communication...

30 Hours Free Childcare for Working Families

The  Governing Body has agreed we shall be offering the extended entitlement of 30 hours free childcare for eligible families from September 2017. The application process for the scheme is not yet available, however, you can check your eligibility at http://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk. You can also register an...