Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Robinwood Residential Visit 2017

Year 6 went to Robinwood Activity Centre in Alston, Cumbria. They had a fantastic time doing such activities as Trapeze, Crate Challenge, Obstacle Course, Canoeing, Dragon Quest, Zip Wire, Giant Swing and lots more, Check out the photo’s below              ...

Applications for Reception Class 2018 NOW OPEN!

If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 you can apply now for your child to start reception class in September 2018. Apply online at: www.gateshead.gov.uk/schooladmissions Online applications must be submitted by 15 January 2018. If you do not submit your form by...

Admission to Secondary School – September 2018

Parents/carers of pupils in Year 6 are reminded that the application process for a secondary school place for September 2018 is now open.   You can apply online at: www.gateshead.gov.uk/schooladmissions   Online applications must be submitted by 31 October 2017. If you do not submit your form by this...

Toddler Group

  Our Toddler Group meets every Tuesday & Wednesday, from 9:30 to 11:00 am, in the Community Room, where there are plenty toys, games, and activities to keep little ones occupied.  Children from birth up to pre-school age are welcome. For only £1 per session, come...

Welcome Back Everyone!

We hope that you have all had both a restful and enjoyable holiday. This is just a quick message to remind everyone that school re-opens to children on Monday 4th September.   We look forward to seeing you all then....

Riverside Gets A Facelift!

If you arrived in school through the car park this morning, you may have noticed that work has begun on replacing the windows in our school. The workmen have started on Mrs Goodfellow's office and the library first. Lets hope the rain stays away until they are finished!   [gallery type="slideshow" size="full"...

CAUTION! Major Works Commencing

  As work begins on replacing the windows throughout school this week, there is going to be more traffic than usual on our car park from this morning. There will be various equipment and portacabins being delivered first thing so we ask that families using Breakfast Club avoid...

Reminder! Last Day of Term – Tuesday 25th July 2017

We have had a number of questions from parents/carers confused about the last day of term. You are reminded that the school closes for the Summer Holidays at 3.20pm on Tuesday 25th July 2017. All children are expected to attend as normal. Any requests for absence must be made...

Sports Day Update

Our staff have investigated both long and short range weather reports. More rain is forecast for both this week and next therefore the school field will be out of use. It is with regret that we have no choice but to cancel sports day. We hope you can...