Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

The Bumblebear Visits Reception

Reception had a wonderful surprise visitor this morning. Maria from Gateshead Libraries came along to read a fantastic story to all of the children and even brought along Bumblebear himself to meet everyone! The children had a great idea to have Bumblebear ride one of the...

Parking at Pick Up and Drop Off Times

When parking during pick up and drop off times could we please ask all parents and family members to be more considerate when parking around school. We have received a number of complaints from local resident about dangerous parking and blocking access to properties on...

Harvest Festival

Today we celebrated the Harvest Festival at St. Nicholas’ Church in Dunston. The Year 3 children delivered a wonderful assembly which told us all about the importance of harvesting food each year and reminded us about the miracles of life. We would like to thank all...

Family Fun Making Scarecrows!

Thank you Mrs Sellers for hosting our Scarecrow making event and thank you to all our family members and friends for attending!  You might see some of our Scarecrows around the school building and at Harvest Festival next Tuesday.  They have already visited the year...

New Recruits For The Football Team

The latest round of football games took place on Thursday evening with a couple of new faces joining the Riverside squad this week. The new boys gelled well with their new teammates and showed terrific effort, determination and sportsmanship in each game they played. Thank...

Thinking about a Reception place for your child at Riverside?

A reminder to all parents/carers. If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 you can apply now for your child to start reception class in September 2018. Anyone considering Riverside Primary Academy for their child is welcome to come for a...

Reception’s First School Trip

On Tuesday both Reception classes had lots of exploring the grounds of Gibside National Trust. The children were very excited to travel to Gibside by coach and were very eager to explore once they arrived. The children thoroughly enjoyed hunting through the grounds on their Fairy Tale...

Year 5 Visit Washington Old Hall

Year 5 visited Washington Old Hall to learn about the Tudors and what life was like for them. We learnt that life was very different depending on whether you were rich or poor. ...