Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Be a Smarter Parker

We have received a number of complaints about illegally and inconsiderately parked vehicles near our school which coincide with the school’s start/finish times and in particular when there are whole school events such as sports day. This not only causes inconvenience to local residents but also...

Food-ball’s Coming Home – Thursday 12th July

  Our school meal provider, Dolce, are planning a world cup theme menu on the Thursday 12th July. The menu has a variety of international themed dishes which we are certain the children and staff will love. If your child does not yet stay for school lunches but...

Race for Life 2018!

What a beautiful day, a fantastic turnout and great fun! We have all had a lovely time and would like to thank everyone that turned up to watch the children run during the event and stayed to enjoy the sun and stalls afterwards. Also, a...

Changes to Data Protection Law

You may be aware that from Friday 25th May 2018, the rules around data protection are changing. The 'General Data Protection Regulation' (GDPR) will change how we can use your personal data and keep it safe, and will also strengthen your rights over your own...

Skipping Event – Total Sponsor Money Raised!

A huge thank you to all pupils, parents, families and staff for for making last week's Jump Rope for Heart Skipping event  possible. We have totaled up the sponsor money and are delighted to announce that we have raised a staggering £1098.90 for the British Heart...

Raffle Prize Donation

These wonderful hampers have been generously donated by one of our families for us to raffle to raise funds towards our Forest Schools project. One hamper is for children and the other is for adults. Tickets will be on sale from next week at school break...

Summer Fair – Bottle Donations Required

                            We will be holding a cake stall and a bottle tombola at the Dunston Summer Fair.   If anyone can donate bottles of any kind we would be very grateful. It can be anything in a bottle eg. bubble bath, juice, wine or even a cuddly toy...

Creepy Crawlies in Reception

Reception children enjoyed a great morning with a visit from Zoo Academy last week. They saw lots of different creatures including giant cockroaches, pythons and lizards - as well as a friendly bearded dragon! Children were very keen to hold and touch the animals and...

Summer Fair – Face Painters Wanted

We will once again be representing the school at this years Summer Fair, which is being held at Dunston park on Saturday 12th May 2018. Mrs Fearon is looking for someone to  volunteer to provide face painting on the day. Do you know of anyone that may...