Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Special Praise for Poppy

A very special announcement was made in Mrs Goodfellow's assembly this morning to praise the efforts of one of our pupils, Poppy from Miss Kinghorn's class. Last weekend, Poppy's younger brother had a fit at the family home, something which has never happened before. Poppy helped...

Christmas Lunch Day – Tuesday 4th December 2018

  On Tuesday 4th December 2018 our cook and the kitchen staff will prepare a traditional Christmas lunch for all children and staff in school. For parents who have a Live Kitchen pre-order account, we would encourage you to log into your account and pre-book your child's...

Remembrance Sunday

Last week our children were encouraged to commemorate Remembrance Sunday over the weekend. Henry from Reception class laid his homemade poppy along with others donated from all over the world in Newcastle to remember those that lost their lives. Well done Henry. Photos courtesy of...

Baking Bread in Reception

Reception enjoyed making their own bread last week to help them to remember the ‘b’ sound from their Read, Write Inc lesson. After making the bread they enjoyed reading the story of the Little Red Hen together. Of course they enjoyed tasting the bread too. ...

Outdoor Learning Areas Get Some TLC

The outdoor learning areas in our school are looking fantastic! We still have lots to do but we have achieved so much this week so far and it is all down to our fabulous volunteers. Thanks to each and every one of you. We couldn’t...

Afternoon Tea in Reception

Reception class enjoyed afternoon tea at Riverside Hotel on Friday (the school hall). Everyone enjoyed tea, sandwiches, cake and biscuits. It was such a lovely way to end the week. ...

Reception’s First School Trip

Both Reception classes had a fantastic day at Gibside National Trust yesterday. They all took part in a Fairytale Workshop and explored the wonderful grounds of Gibside looking for signs of autumn. They all then had fun in the park and some of the children were...