Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Y3/Y4 Futsal Taster

Tomorrow dinnertime, the children in Y3 and Y4 will have the opportunity to take part in a game of futsal. Futsal is a variant of association football played on a hard court, smaller than a football pitch, and mainly indoors. It is usually considered a version of five-a-side football. If...

Circus Event

                  We have invited Mr Dan from Skipping Workshops into school on Tuesday 18th June to teach the children some circus skills! They will also perform in front of the whole school. We are very excited about this and hope that the children enjoy the experience....

Summer Fair – Tombola Donations Wanted

                We will be holding a cake stall and tombola at the Dunston Summer Fair which is being held at Dunston Football Club on Saturday May 11th 2019. We are looking for any donations towards our tombola prizes. If you have any spare items lying around which...

Yoga Workshops

As part of our school’s drive to increase mindfulness, wellbeing, the arts and physical education, Nursery, Year 2, 3 and 4 took part in yoga workshops last week. The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed the sessions which were led by Lisa Cryer from ‘Kalma Baby’. The nursery...

Chinese New Year Menu – Tuesday 5th February 2019

To celebrate Chinese New Year our kitchen staff will be preparing a special menu on Tuesday 5th February 2019.                                                 School Meals are priced at £2.30 per day. Login in to pre-order your child's meal here: Live Kitchen If you would like a Live Kitchen account please send your request...

Special Lunch Menu – Thursday 17th January 2019

Our kitchen staff will be preparing a special menu to help banish those January blues on Thursday 17th January 2019. The Great 1950's Diner menu will have a delicious selection of food to choose from. If your child does not yet stay for school lunches but would...

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let it Snow

A red weather warning was issued at Riverside this morning as a freak snowstorm covered the school yard at playtime on the last day of term. The children adapted well to the changing climate and had tremendous fun in the snow! From all the staff at Riverside...

Newsletter – December 2018

Download our latest newsletter here: December 2018 Additional dates to note: Christmas Sing-a-long – in the school hall Monday 10th December – 2.30pm – Reception to Year 2 Friday 14th December – 2.30pm – Year 3 to Year 6 All parents/carers welcome to attend. Friday 14th December –...

St Nicholas Church Christmas Lights

Our Year 2 children represented Riverside Primary Academy last night at St. Nicholas’ Church.  They did a fantastic job of singing Starry Night and reading a passage to everyone.  The teachers were extremely proud of every single one of them and would like to thank...

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Lunch

Everyone really got into the Christmas spirit at lunchtime today thanks to a wonderful Christmas lunch served by our fantastic kitchen staff from Dolce. Brooke said: "I liked the stuffing and pigs in blankets. I also enjoyed pulling the crackers with my friends" Jacob said: "The sprouts...