Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

KS2 Production Tickets – Important Information

Tickets for the KS2 production of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ will go on sale later this week. There will be two performances: Wednesday 10th July and Thursday 11th July commencing at 1.45pm. In order to improve the efficiency of purchasing and administering tickets this year,...

Y6 Forest Schools Trip

Y6 had a wonderful day at Thornley Woods yesterday as part of their Forest Schools programme with Mrs Judge. The weather was perfect for exploring and everyone had a wonderful day in the sunshine. The number 46 and 47 bus stops right outside Thornley Woodland Centre....

KS2 Production – Help Needed

Our KS2 production this year will be Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. Unfortunately it appears that our dreamcoat has disappeared from our storage and as a result we are urgently asking if anyone has any old stripey/multicoloured material that they would be happy to...

Y3/Y4 Futsal Taster

Tomorrow dinnertime, the children in Y3 and Y4 will have the opportunity to take part in a game of futsal. Futsal is a variant of association football played on a hard court, smaller than a football pitch, and mainly indoors. It is usually considered a version of five-a-side football. If...

Circus Event

                  We have invited Mr Dan from Skipping Workshops into school on Tuesday 18th June to teach the children some circus skills! They will also perform in front of the whole school. We are very excited about this and hope that the children enjoy the experience....

Summer Fair – Tombola Donations Wanted

                We will be holding a cake stall and tombola at the Dunston Summer Fair which is being held at Dunston Football Club on Saturday May 11th 2019. We are looking for any donations towards our tombola prizes. If you have any spare items lying around which...

Yoga Workshops

As part of our school’s drive to increase mindfulness, wellbeing, the arts and physical education, Nursery, Year 2, 3 and 4 took part in yoga workshops last week. The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed the sessions which were led by Lisa Cryer from ‘Kalma Baby’. The nursery...