Riverside Primary Academy | Mr Smith

Author: Mr Smith

Letter to Parent/Carers from Mrs Goodfellow

Important Update from Mrs Goodfellow - Please click here: Letter to Parent Carer - Phased Return Link to Parent Survey here: Phased Return of School Children Survey Please complete our short survey by midnight on Sunday 17th May 2020. Thank you for your cooperation.   Thursday 14th May, 2020.   Dear Parents and...

Kingsmeadow Year 6 Transition Information

We would like to draw the attention of parents and carers of students joining Kingsmeadow in September to the link below: https://www.kingsmeadow.org.uk/year-6-transition Over the coming weeks Kingsmeadow will be adding more information, however initially they are asking parents and carers to supply information online; from there they...

New – Weekly Spellings

Starting from Monday 11th May, children from Year 1 up to Year 6 will be sent a list of weekly spellings to practise at home via 2email on Purple Mash. The children will have a week to practise these spellings, then the following Monday they...

Online Classes from Lingotots

Information from Lingotots We have been thrust into a new technological world of teaching here at Lingotot and the feedback we have had from our online classes so far has been very positive. With the schools closed and no provisional return date as of yet, all...

Free School Meals – Update

Meal Vouchers Update   As a school we provided families who receive FSM (free school meals) and UIFSM (universal infant free school meals) with food vouchers, to be used at a local supermarket, as an alternative to packed lunches. Following the official government guidance released on Friday for...

Coronavirus Latest

Update Friday 20th March: From Friday 20 March schools, childcare and other educational settings are closed for everyone except Children of Critical Workers Vulnerable children The official government guidance on this is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/closure-of-educational-settings-information-for-parents-and-carers The government has published a list of critical workers: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision Message from our Chair of Governors We...

World Book Day in Early Years

Early Years children enjoyed getting dressed up and taking part in World Book Day activities today. They enjoyed reading lots of lovely stories and swapping books with their friends.   ...

Riverside Mascots at Dunston UTS

Luckily the bad weather held off on Saturday giving some of our children the opportunity to spend some time at the Dunston UTS match. They were mascots for the players and accompanied them on the pitch for kick-off. Joined by their families in the stands, they...