Riverside Primary Academy | Mrs Ritchie

Author: Mrs Ritchie

Riverside to the Rescue!

This week , we had some special visitors to our school. Tracy Allison manages the Community Hub in the Metrocentre and is running a project about plastic pollution in rivers and seas. Our school has been chosen to help with this project and our Year...

Anglo-Saxon Fun at Jarrow Hall

Year 3 and 4 had a wonderful time at Jarrow Hall today learning about life during the Anglo-Saxon times.  We enjoyed a fantastic workshop about Crime and Punishment.  We looked at artefacts and handled swords, spears and shields.  Then we re-enacted a battle with these. ...

Earth Day 2024

A big thank you from Riverside! We had a great time celebrating Earth Day and raised £62 pound for The Sea Life Trust charity. Thank you for your kind donations. Mrs Ritchie and the Eco-Cops...

Waste Week 2024!

Well done to all the children who brought in used batteries last term.  The batteries collected by each class have been weighed by the Eco- Cops  and the results are finally in! Weighing a huge 11.5 kilograms, a huge well done to Year 4 who collected...