Riverside Primary Academy | Mrs Wall

Author: Mrs Wall

Homework Projects Autumn Term 1

Mrs Goodfellow and all of the teachers would like to say a huge well done to everyone that has handed in a homework project this half term. The efforts are fantastic and the children loved presenting theirs in their classroom. Well done again to all and...

Year 3 visit Segedunum!

Today, Year 3 (Mrs Wall's class) visited Segedunum. This links with the topic 'The Romans'. In the morning, they carried out tasks to show they could be Celts (Ancient Britons). They made bracelets from wool, crushed wheat to make flour, used willow to weave as they...

PE sessions 2021/22

Next year, children will continue to wear their PE kits on the days they have PE. Please refer to the school uniform policy regarding clothing and wear sensible shoes. Football shirts and other sport clothing should not be worn. [mp_button icon="fa-futbol-o" icon_position="left" text="PE uniform "...

Year 4B show off their poetic side!

Yesterday, Year 4B blew Mrs Wall away with their amazing skills in poetry. They worked extremely hard in small groups to create verses of a narrative poem based on a short film called 'The Catch'. The verses were then put together and the class performed...

Years 3 and 4 Sports Day!

We have loads of fun taking part in various events today for Sports Day! Well done to all of the children taking part. (Apologies about the photo orientation, we are working on fixing this.) ...

Badge design competition 2021

We would love as many children as possible to showcase their artistic talents and design a badge for the WOW activity tracker. The design should be linked to climate change, so your job is to research and then draw an animal that you would like to...

England Does the Daily Mile!

Today our children have all been part of England Does the #DailyMile ! The event was to get 1 million children moving in England. #1millionmoving We enjoy doing this each day, but today was especially important. Some teachers have shared some pictures of their class...

Premier League Primary Stars Wellbeing challenge

During the holidays, we have challenged the children to complete the 'My Wellbeing Week' challenge. You can set up an account and complete this online and submit the Wellbeing Week template before the deadline of Monday 19 April 2021.  However, we are also sending paper copies...

Easter Egg competition – Winners and Runner-ups

Well done to everyone that brought in an entry for the Easter Egg competition 2021. It was such a difficult decision choosing a winner and a runner-up from each class, as they were all so fantastic! Winners and Runner-ups from each class are: Nursery: Amelia and Oliver Reception:...