Riverside Primary Academy | Mrs Wall

Author: Mrs Wall

Sport Week

The children have been trying different sports since last Friday. We have had dodgeball tasters and hula hooping. The rest of the week will be cricket, a girls' football tournament in KS2 and circus skills! Photos of each event will be uploaded soon!...

Outdoor learning fun with Mr H in LKS2!

Today Mr H has visited the school for the Stone Age topic in years 3 and 4. They enjoyed cooking bread around a fire pit, drawing with charcoal and making a pot out of clay. ...

House Games – Results are in!

The children have enjoyed taking part in games to win points for their houses. 1st place: Neptune 109 points 2nd place: Jupiter 95 points 3rd place: Saturn and Mars joint 79 points Well done, everyone!   ...

Outdoor Learning in Year 3

Last week, Year 3 had a full day of outdoor learning. This included a walk along the river front and through part of Dunston. We also went into the outdoor area at the school. We talked about the fire pit rules, looked for a suitable...

Autumn House Games 2022

The Riverside House Games have started today. The children worked in their house groups and competed against the other houses. They showed excellent teamwork skills! Once all classes have finished, the results will be announced! At the end of the year, we will have an overall House...

Year 3 visit to Woodhorn Colliery

Yesterday, Year 3 visited Woodhorn Colliery to learn more about coal mining. We were shown around the old buildings and also got to complete perspective art after looking at many magnificent pieces of artwork in a gallery. ...

Year 6 Dukes House Wood 2022

All of the children that attended Dukes House Wood had a brilliant time. They took risks and challenged themselves on multiple occasions over the weekend all while demonstrating their amazing personal skills - team work, respect and resilience! ...

Thank you for attending Sports Day!

Thank you very much to everyone - family and friends - that came along yesterday to enjoy our Sports Day at Riverside. A special thanks to those parents who joined in with the adult races. The children and staff all had great fun and we hope you...