Riverside Primary Academy | Online Safety

Online Safety Resources and Advice for Parent/Carers

Ensuring the safety of our pupils online is a shared responsibility between the school and families. To support this, we’d like to provide you with our online safety policy so you can reinforce this at home. As the internet continues to evolve, it’s crucial that we teach our children to use it safely and respectfully.

If you need further information or have any concerns about online safety, please don’t hesitate to contact the school or email us at: info@riversideprimaryacademy.org.uk


You can view our Online Safety Policy here


To support learning, children may be asked to use the following websites and apps in school:

Children will be provided with log in details for some of these websites to access as part of their homework.

National Online Safety (NOS) have published lots of helpful information and tips for staying safe online. NOS also have handy guides on popular apps such as TikTok, Disney + and Netflix as well as advice and guidance for remote learning. https://nationalonlinesafety.com/training

Extra e-safety information guides:

Below is a list of useful links designed to help you keep your child safe online

NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe Online

Internet Matters



CEOP - Helping you to better protect your children online

CEOP Safety Centre